Commercial Credit Consulting Group (CCCG) has provided ligation support and expert services to law firms in banking and lending related matters including:
Covenant Bank v. Master Sidlow & Associates. US District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Case No. C.A. 2:17-cv-02409-JCJ. Reliance on review financial statements and proper analysis and loan administration as it relates to commercial bank lending practices. 2018.
ELM Cabin John LLC, N. Long v. United Bank. US District Court for the District of Maryland, Case No. 8:16-cv-03862-PJM. Standard of care in commercial lending. 2017.
MatchBox Food Group v. Ronald Paul, Eagle Bancorp, Inc. Eagle Bank and Directors of Eagle Bank. Circuit Court for Montgomery County, MD, Case No. 430230-V. Conduct of principal bank officers and bank directors as it relates to individual investing of these principals into loan customer of the Bank. 2017-2018.
David H. Marion, Receiver for Bentley Financial Services, Inc. and Entrust Group v. Bryn Mawr Trust Company. Court of Common Pleas, Montgomery County, PA, Case No.03-19232. Commercial checking account policies and procedures. 2012-2018. Trial Testimony.
Island Associates, Inc., et al, v. Rockland Trust Company, et al, v. A. Hanoian, et al. Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Superior Court, Department of the Trial Court. Civil Action No. BRCV2013-0558-A. Loan and credit administration issues, environmental loan policy issues and good faith and fair dealing issues. 2015.
Minnesota Lawyers Mutual Insurance Co. and William B. Quinn v. Myles Hinkle, and the Estate of Carolyn Hinkle. Court of Common Pleas of Carbon County, Pennsylvania. Civil Action No. 09-3728. IOLTA commercial bank account administration and fraud issues. 2015.
Telwell, Inc. v. Grandbridge Real Estate Capital LLC. Court of Common Pleas, Philadelphia County, PA, Case #02204 and U.S. District Court for the Eastern District, Case NO. 2:13-cv-06793-JD. Loan commitment letter issues. 2015.
Elf Khurafeh Temple Association and Elf Khurafeh Shrine Venter v. Merrill Lynch, First Merit Bank, Wells Fargo Advisors, et al. State of Michigan, Circuit Court for County of Saginaw, Case No.: 14-023807-CZ. Account administration issues and standards of care in account administration. 2014.
PNC Equipment Finance v. Ronald A. Zilberbrand, et al. Court of Common Pleas, Hamilton County, Ohio, Commercial Docket, Case No. A1109775. Loan default issues, Ethics Policy violations and good faith and fair dealing issues. 2014.